South Moravian Region/KORDIS JMK
From Due Diligence to taking over the development of complex software for the transport system coordinator.

what we did
sw development
sw architecture
KORDIS JMK a.s. is the coordinator of the Integrated Transport System of the South Moravian Region and its aim is to carry out two main activities:
Coordination of transport services on the territory of the South Moravian Region and preparation, implementation and operation of the integrated transport system gradually on the whole territory of the South Moravian Region.
After the integration of the entire territory of the South Moravian Region and some of the surrounding areas, the main task of KORDIS is to coordinate the South Moravian Region ITS and provide the necessary service activities for the South Moravian Region, the city of Brno and other municipalities and towns of the region.
KORDIS JMK and its e-ticketing portal in the South Moravian Region has long-term goals and visions for the gradual integration of the portal solution into other regions across the region and subsequently into the entire Czech Republic.
client problem
The client has had several IT vendors during their tenure who were more reactive in their problem solving and not looking at the long-term vision and sustainability of the project and security. They simply made a mess in their wake. It was time to put things right.
solution proposal
We defined the scope of our work with the client, which was as follows:
Due Diligence, analysis of technological debt of the SW system - e-shop portal with a complex backend system, stabilization of the project, adding new functionalities and ensuring further development.
- When we took over the project, we discovered enough fundamental flaws during the initial due diligence that led to a clear technology debt.
- In order for KORDIS JMK to proceed further in its ambitious plan - integration of solutions for other regions and regions, it was necessary to modify the SW architecture and solve many relatively critical areas.
- The entire solution is based on Node.js and React.js technologies, which are currently among the most popular technologies for web application development on the server side. However, these technologies can be a time bomb in the wrong hands. Solutions can be built on top of them very quickly in the early stages of development, but beyond that it can be a tricky business. An inexperienced team can unwittingly create technology debt, creating a lack of updates and subsequent maintenance. All of this leads to security issues, poor performance and other complications that need to be addressed.
The project was a challenge, but we made it through thanks to our great developers.
We are glad that we managed to finish this project, it was a great challenge for us.